Occupying Wall Street

Oct 5, 2011

We saw a short report on the "Occupy Wall Street" protests today on CNN Student News.  If you're still wondering what this movement is all about, it basically amounts to a reflection of the frustration of middle America.  Many are convinced that the tough times we have endured over the past couple years have not been equally experienced or shared by the biggest corporations and the wealthiest individuals in this country.  Many of these people also believe that, in large part, our government no longer represents the people, but those who fund their campaigns (i.e. huge corporations and the wealthy).  And now, largely because of social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), what began as a localized protest in New York City has evolved into a nationwide movement that is currently 3 weeks in the running. This cartoon attempts to explain the beliefs of those who are fueling the movement:

What do you think?  Do you agree with the movement's principles?  Do you agree with their methods?  What other impacts do you think social media has had on our society?


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