10 Ways Cellphones Have Changed Our Lives

Oct 8, 2011

In an article for CNN, Doug Gross lists 10 ways our lives have been changed now that we're a "mobile society", and they're not all good:
  1. Meeting up is easier
  2. There's no excuse to be bored
  3. Fast-twitch brains
  4. You're always around
  5. Horror movies had to get more creative
  6. Smile!  You're on camera!
  7. Update Anxiety
  8. Access to so many gadgets in just one device
  9. Conversation killer (in a bad way)
  10. Conversation killer (in a semi-good way)
Check out the article for a more in-depth discussion of all these topics.  CNN does a good job of pointing out all the positives and negatives concerning each one.

What do you think?  Is the world a better place because of mobile devices?  Are we more connected, or less?  Can you add anything to the list?  Leave your comments below!


C. Ayres,  October 11, 2011 at 4:14 PM  

in the artical i just read i dont necessarly believe some of the things cell phones have changed our lives
1. meeting up is easier (not really because, its not always easy to find others, plus no that easy to give directions)
2.there is no exuse to being bored (False! not everyone can stay entertain messin with a phone alot of time you dont have anyone to text, most phones dont have games, and alot of phones cant save music)
yeah in a way cell phones did change our lives but not by alot.
-C. Ayres

Anonymous,  October 11, 2011 at 6:34 PM  

Cell phone use can be both a good and a bad thing. In a way we are all connected but then again we aren't. By using cellphones we don't feel the need to talk on the phone or talk in person. For some people, since they use their cellphone so much and so often it makes it awkward for them to actually have a conversation in person. Cellphones may make things easier but it's making people more lazy and making them socially awkward, depending on the person of course. I personally love my cell phone and i'm thankful to have one, without my cellphone it'd make talking to my friends i don't see very often nearly impossible.
-Rose F.

Anonymous,  October 12, 2011 at 4:20 PM  

Cellphones have changed the world. Most of the time when you go out, you use your cellphone to find out what other people are doing so you can meet up with them. Other times, such as when you are at home, you are either texting people, or talking on the phone. One of my personal favorites is having late night phone conversations with my boyfriend or friends. The world has been changed by cellphones because not only do they make it easier for us to communicate with one another, but they also make it easier for us to stay close with people. Without cellphones, back in the old days, they had to go out and talk to people. Cellphones have changed the world for good and bad though. Just texting and talking on the phone isn't as good as talking face to face, which could eventually cause people to not be able to talk in front of large crowds. This is what I think about cellphones, and how they've changed the world for good and bad.

Sidney H.

Anonymous,  March 5, 2012 at 8:35 PM  

Cellphones have changed our lives in many ways.
1.No need for phone books
2.Keep in touch without having to write
3.We have lost our face to face communication skills
4.Takes away from cameras and ipods because a phone has it all
5.In an emergency it is so much easier and faster to contact help
6.Making plans with friends is much more convenient
7.They can be very dangerous when used while driving and have caused many recks
8.They spend peoples money simply because everyone wants the nicest and most up to dates ones
9.A very large majority of our time is wasted on our phones
10.Texting on cellphones has made our simple spelling terrible
These are my opinions on how cellphones have changed our lives for the good and bad.

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