The 10 Most Important Events in History?

Oct 10, 2011

George Washington and his men crossing the Deleware
If the task was to just name ten important events from history, most of us could probably do so fairly easily; there's certainly plenty to choose from.  But what if you were asked to name The ten most important events in history?

Coming up with a top ten in anything is never an easy task, let alone trying to pick just ten events from the infinite amount of possibilities that make up our history.   But, nonetheless, this guy tried to do just that.  Here's what he came up with, in no particular order:
  • The American Revolution
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • The Life of Jesus of Nazareth
  • The Life of the Prophet Muhammad
  • The Invention of the Printing Press
  • The Renaissance
  • The Reformation
  • The Tearing Down of the Berlin Wall
  • The Pax Romana
What do you think?  Think you could rank all 10?  How about come up with another event that definitely should've been on the list?  For 20 points extra credit, rank this list 1-10 (1 being the most important), and give reasoning as to why each individual event was ranked that way.  Or, write one page on an event you think should be on this list.  Your write-up should include a summary of the event, along with your reasoning as to why it belongs on the list.  If you'd like info on any of the events above, check out Wikipedia, or take a look at the original list, which is loaded with info, pictures, and youtube clips.  Remember, the end of the term is near.  This is due by the end of class Thursday!!!


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