Western Civilizations: 5.07.13
May 7, 2013
- Continue CNN Log for Week of 5.06.13 (8)
- Cities Quiz #5 (61-75)
- Notes: WWI (4)
- Outline: World War I - A Difficult Peace (5)
- Friday
- Cities Quiz #6 (76-90)
- CNN Log Sheet: 3.18.13
- CNN Log Sheet: 3.25.13
- CNN Log Sheet: 4.02.13
- CNN Log Sheet: 4.08.13
- CNN Log Sheet: 4.15.13
- CNN Log Sheet: 4.22.13
Section 1: Age of Exploring
- TAG: Effects of Exploring
- Video Gist: The Bermuda Triangle
- Chapter 16 Geography Assignment
- Players of the Age of Exploring Card Activity
- GIST: Atlantic Slave Trade - pg. 488
Section 2: Revolution in Europe
- Lowdown: "Revolution in Europe"
- Vocabulary: "Revolution in Europe"
- Foundations of the French Revolution WS - pg. 593
- French Revolution Video w/WS
- Anticipation Guide: Napoleon
- The Rise of the 5ft Giant
- Video GIST: Napoleon - Steel Monster
- Open Note Quiz: French Revolution and Napoleon
- TAG: The Industrial Revolution
- Inventors and Inventions Matching Activity
- Factory and Working Conditions
- Anticipation Guide: Daily Life During the Industrial Revolution
- Video GIST: The Works - Steel
Section 3: WWI
- Lowdown: "WWI"
- Vocabulary: "WWI"
- Foundations of WWI
- Video GIST: Weapons of WWI
- WWI Battles Worksheet
- Notes: WWI
- Outline: World War I - A Difficult Peace
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