Today in Western Civilizations: 10/12/11
Oct 12, 2011
- Scrapbooks: "Rome"
- Julius Caesar and the fall of the Republic
- Aqueducts
- Augustus (Octavian)
- Nero
- The Great Fire
- Vespasian and the Colliseum
- Hadrian and the Pantheon
- Makeup Work
- Review
- 30 "Top Ten" Terms
- 15 All-Stars
- Other Vocabulary:
- Nomads
- Division of Labor
- Surplus
- Hunter Gatherers
- Agora
- Helots
- Hoplites
- Consuls
- Edict of Milan
- Pax Romana
- Key Concepts:
- Main components of all civilizations?
- Geographic Advantages of Ancient Egypt?
- Geographical features of Greece that led to the rise of city states?
- Things that all Ancient Greeks shared despite loyalty to their city-state?
- How the last stand of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae contributed to the world we live in today as Americans?
- Geographic advantages of Rome?
- of the Italian peninsula as a whole
- of Rome's location in Italy and on the Tiber
- What made Rome's democracy different from Greece's?
- Positives and negatives of having a dictator, emperor, king, etc.?
Wednesday (10/12)Make-up Work Due!- Thursday (10/13)
- All Makeup Work Due!
- Final Scrapbooks Due!
- "Rome" (50 pts)
- Comprehensive Grade (50 pts)
- Extra Credit Due!
- Final Binder Check!
- Friday (10/14)
- Final Exam!
*TIME IS RUNNING OUT! If you are unsure about anything, ASK!!!
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