CNN Student News for 9/22/11
Sep 21, 2011
EXTRA CREDIT: For 2 points, leave a comment on this post regarding today's broadcast. Your comment must be in the form of a complete sentence. It must also be thoughtful and relevant. If you do not have internet at home, the IMC is open before and after school, and you can also use the department laptops during independent work time. You are allowed to comment daily, but make sure you use your first name and last initial so that you receive credit!
I think that Iran's move to bail out the American hikers was a generous move, but also kind of gutsy. Question, why couldn't America not pay the bail for our own people? J.C.
Good question! America has no diplomatic relationship with Iran whatsoever, namely because of suspicions that it is developing nuclear weapons, which is a BIG no-no. Because of this, we have had diplomats from Switzerland acting as our go-between, and, unfortunately for the hikers, that has really slowed the whole process down.
Here's more info, if you're interested:
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